A Warm Hello…
Hello there, I'm Terrah Ray. A fine artist residing in Kentucky, a place I not only call home but also fuels my inspiration for painting...
As a mother, homemaker, & working artist, I believe in living a slow & simple life, and through warm, earth-inspired tones, loose brush strokes, and soft texture, the work I create reflects just that.
Serving as a gentle reminder to slow down and offering you a soft place to land, even if just for a moment. Bringing peace and comfort to both your heart and your home.

How it Began
I've always been one with a creative heart and big imagination. Growing up I was a little on the quiet side, and art was how I expressed myself. For the longest time, all I did was a sketch, becoming a painter never even crossed my mind. Until 2015 when I decided as my new year’s resolution that I would learn to paint. The funny thing is when I wrote that down my exact thought was " This probably won't happen, but hey it sounds fun".
Fast forward 4 months later, I signed up for an art class, tried oil painting for the first time, and then everything changed.
I still remember the first time I picked up a paint brush. I immediately got lost inside the canvas. Nothing had ever gave me that much freedom and confidence. I knew then that this was what I was meant to do and I have painted almost every day since.
I now have three little kids and while I paint one is typically in my arms while the other is nearby creating his own art. We paint, laugh, and occasionally dance inside my tiny home studio…
I'm beyond thankful for the ability to paint and to create a life of freedom that allows me to stay home with my kids, inspire them, and encourage them to chase their dreams. Their precious heart and wild energy are what inspire and motivate me each and every day.