A Simple Bouquet


”A Simple Bouquet” an oil painting from 2019

A sweet and simple painting with a ton of texture and a lovely peachy color palette.

PS. A wooden frame would make the perfect touch!

Canvas Size: 12x12 inch

NOTICE: There are a few scuff marks near the sides of the canvas.

SHIPPING: Any additional shipping cost or credits will be calculated based on distance and package dimensions and will be invoiced or refunded after the sale.

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”A Simple Bouquet” an oil painting from 2019

A sweet and simple painting with a ton of texture and a lovely peachy color palette.

PS. A wooden frame would make the perfect touch!

Canvas Size: 12x12 inch

NOTICE: There are a few scuff marks near the sides of the canvas.

SHIPPING: Any additional shipping cost or credits will be calculated based on distance and package dimensions and will be invoiced or refunded after the sale.

”A Simple Bouquet” an oil painting from 2019

A sweet and simple painting with a ton of texture and a lovely peachy color palette.

PS. A wooden frame would make the perfect touch!

Canvas Size: 12x12 inch

NOTICE: There are a few scuff marks near the sides of the canvas.

SHIPPING: Any additional shipping cost or credits will be calculated based on distance and package dimensions and will be invoiced or refunded after the sale.

In Love
Loving Times
Around We Go
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The Beginning